Hello :) If you Bluestack user, you certainly never have the name black screen on Bluestacks, well on this occasion I will give you a soluti on to deal with the problem of black screen on Bluestacks, 1. First you have to open the first bluestacks, 2. Bluestack black screen and if you can close it 3. You immediately see the bottom part of the show hidden icons if in hidden if not just right click on the icon and then you select the restart Bluestacks 4. wait a while, Bluestack will open itself when the restart has been completed 5. taraaaaaaaaa Bluestack ready to use: D
Hello :) Welcome :) On this occasion I will discuss about how to maximize Bluestack Just okay • First Open regedit, by pressing the windows logo on keybroad + R, then you typing regedit after his registry editor opens next step is you go into keynya Bluestack by way of Computer -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> BlueStacks -> Guests -> Android well in this key you can messing ngatik to obtain maximum performance in Bluestack you. • Maximizing Memory RAM Bluestack ram memory Bluestack change in you, it is useful so that you can run applications in the android Bluestack without any lag when memainikannya, change in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ BlueStacks \ Guests \ Android, then you select a memory key, you change with the capacity appropriate computer ram you have, but I recommend a maximum of 1000 MB of course, because even if you change over 1000 MB, the memory will be preserved in 1000 MB only Resolution set its Bluestack in order to display...
Sistem Basis Data Pengertian Database adalah sekumpulan data yang tersimpan di dalam komputer yang diolah dengan menggunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi dari basis data tersebut. Manfaat Database 1. Agar tidak Terjadi Redudansi Basis Data Redudansi adalah terjadinya data-data sama dalam berkas yang berbeda. 2. Berbagi Data Database juga dapat digunakan untuk berbagi data dengan sesama pengguna lainya. 3. Menjamin Keamanan Data Database menjaga keamanan dari data, yaitu dengan menambahkan beberapa kode untuk data tertentu supaya data tersebut hanya bias diakses oleh orang yang bersangkutan. Fungsi Database Beberapa fungsi dari database yaitu · Mengelompokkan data sehingga lebih mudah. · Mencegah ...
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